Inactivated Bacterial Vaccines

Inactivated Bacterial Vaccines


Composition: Supervac-9; is a polyvalent combined vaccine that prepared with C.pseudotuberculosis, S.typhimurium, Cl.perfingens tip B, C ve D, Cl. novyi tip A, Cl.septicum, Cl.chauvoei and Cl.tetani, adjuvanted with aluminum hydroxide gel and phenol as preservative.



The vaccine is administered to pregnant cows against calf diarrhea caused by Enterotoxygenic Escherichia coli. The calves are not vaccinated.



Applied for protective purposes against Cattle Yanıkara disease



Vaccine; It is used for protective purposes against enterotoxemia (Pulpy kidney and Struck = Braxylike disease) of cows, calves, calves, sheep and goats.



Vaccine; It is made for healthy cows, sheep and goats and calves, calves, lambs and kids. It is performed to protect against hemorrhagic septicemia caused by P. multocida and M. haemolytica Al strains from shipping fever, pneumonia and neonatal pneumonia.



It is used for protective purposes against infectious Necrotic Hepatitis disease of sheep.



In sheep, goats and calves; Clin. Struck (Vurgun disease), Pulpy kidney (Soft kidney disease), Hemorrhagic enteritis lambs caused by perfringens Medicine C and D; Clin. Lamb Dizter caused by perfringens Type B