Combined Pseudotuberculosis Autovaxine

Combined Pseudotuberculosis Autovaxine

It is used for immunity against pyogenic infections that progress with pseudotuberculosis symptoms in the facility.


It cannot be used and marketed outside the business.


….. Produced from pseudotuberculosis samples in sheep of the livestock enterprise

It is an inactive combined autovaxin with AH adjuvant prepared from C. pseudotuberculosis, S.aureus and Streptococcus spp. Professor Dr. Formulated by Osman ERGANİŞ.


It is used for immunity against pyogenic infections that progress with pseudotuberculosis symptoms in the facility.


Combined Pseudotuberculosis Autovaxin, 120,000 doses were used and contraindications were not reported.

Application and Dosage:

The bottles removed from the refrigerator are thoroughly mixed. After warming up to room temperature, sheep and lambs are subcutaneously administered 1 ml, repeated 3-4 weeks after the first dose. A booster is held every 5-6 months.


It should be shaken frequently during application and must be observed during injection.

Side effects:

It is unknown. All vaccines have a risk of anaphylactic allergies. In case of allergies that may develop within the first 30 minutes after anaphylaxis vaccination), it is recommended to use atropine sulfate or other respiratory analeptics.

Legal Purification Period:


Storage Conditions:

It should be stored at +4 ° C.

Packaging shape:

It is packaged in 100 ml glass bottles in 100 ml glass bottles.

Destruction Conditions:

It is not harmful for the environment.

Production place:

Vetal Animal Health Products Inc.

Legal warning:

Vaccine. Since it is specially prepared as autogenous; “Production, distribution, use, registration and notifications of Otovaksin” stated in Article 76 of the Regulation on Veterinary Medical Products.

covers the provisions.