

It has a protective effect against foot and mouth disease caused by foot and mouth disease (aphthovirus).


Contains inactive screed virus produced in tissue culture. The amount of virus in a bovine dose is at least 5 pg for type O and at least 2.2 pg for other serotypes. Inactive alum virus was adsorbed to colloid 0.9% aluminum hydroxide [Al (OH) 3], adding 0.06% saponin and 0.01% thimersol (Mertiolate). The vaccine virus serotype (s) contained in the vaccine is stated on the label on the bottles.


It has a protective effect against foot and mouth disease caused by foot and mouth disease (aphthovirus).


A study in this direction has not yet been carried out with AFTOVAC, but research is planned in this context in the near future.

Method of Application and Dosage:

In sheep and goats, it is applied subcutaneously (subcutaneously) to the middle region near the neck, 5 cm from the breastbone. In cattle, 15 cm from the breastbone, it is applied to the back, subcutaneously from the side of the neck.

Cattle-Buffalo – refer to leaflet
Sheep-Goat  – refer to leaflet

Warnings :

The product should be applied and followed by legal authorities. The manufacturer is not responsible for the consequences resulting from the applications made by people other than the authorities. When an unexpected effect is observed, the closest veterinarian should be consulted.

Side effects :

A swelling occurs at the inoculation site due to the saponin it contains and a slight fever is normal. In milking animals, a temporary decrease in milk yield can be observed. Allergic reaction formation at the vaccination site is very rare.

Legal Purification Time:

A study in this direction has not yet been carried out with AFTOVAC, but research is planned in this context in the near future.

Storage Conditions:

Store at + 2 ° C / + 8 ° C (under refrigerator conditions). It should never be filled, it should be kept away from light and heat.

Packaging shape :

It is packaged in brown glass bottles with 20, 50 and 100 ml volumes.

Disposal Conditions:

In the disposal process of AFTOVAC, the bottle should be autoclaved (121 ° C, 60 minutes) with its contents unopened and thrown into the septic tank.