

The vaccine is applied to protect lambs and kids from ectopic disease. 3-4 days after vaccination, vesicle pustule at the vaccination site and then crusting occurs.


DERMAVAC Vaccine; It is a lyophilized, live attenuated vaccine prepared in calf kidney cell cultures.

Indication and Contraindications:

The vaccine is administered to protect lambs and kids from ectopic disease. 3-4 days after vaccination, vesicle pustule at the vaccination site and then crusting occurs. General individual vaccination reactions of 1% can be seen.

Application and Dosage:

  • The vaccine is deep enough to cross the first layer of the skin with a needle crossing the Regio inguinal (the inner part of the back leg) 0.5-1 cm long 3-4 lines by collecting the lambs and kids of all ages immediately after birth and after the completion of births for protective purposes. but scarification is done in a way that does not bleed. The vaccine is applied by dropping 2-3 drops from the vaccine dropper and waiting for a few seconds.
  • The vaccination is done as a preservative in the places where the disease occurs and in the areas where the disease has been reported previously. The vaccine is not applied in places where there is no disease.
  • When the vaccine is used, 3 ml of dilution fluid is taken from a sterile syringe and transferred to the dry vaccine bottle, shaken without foaming and added to the dilution fluid by pulling again with the syringe. This process should be repeated 2-3 times.
  • Asepsis and antisepsis rules should be strictly followed in vaccination, applications, needles and syringes should not be cleaned with chemicals. Immunity is fully formed in 21 days, immunity period is 6 months.


Both the lyophilized form vaccine and the vaccine diluted with its special diluent should be protected from direct sunlight and used within 6 hours. In vaccine applications, the rules of asepsis and antisepsis should be strictly followed, and the needles and syringes used should not be cleaned with chemicals.

Side effects:

3-4 days later, vesicle pustule and crusting occurs at the vaccination site. General individual vaccination reactions of 1% can be seen. In case of local and general vaccination reactions in the vaccinated animals, the sick lambs and kids are separated from the herd and treated under the control of the Veterinarian in a closed shelter.

Storage conditions:

The vaccine should be stored in the refrigerator at + 2 ° C / + 8 ° C.

Legal Purification Time:


Packaging shape:

It is packaged in bottles of 50 doses with 10 ml special diluent, 100 doses with 20 ml special diluent, and 200 doses with 40 ml special diluent.

Destruction conditions:

The vaccines to be destroyed should be autoclaved (30 minutes at 121 ° C) without being opened, and thrown into the septic tank. In field conditions, it should be boiled in water and buried deep in the soil.