

AGALAKSIVAC OIL vaccine: healthy sheep and goats are applied for protective purposes against infectious agalaxy disease.



AGALAKSİVAC OIL is a dead vaccine emulsified with mineral oil adjuvant, inactivated from Mycoplasma agalactiae AIK strain and contains less than 0.5% phenol.


AGALAKSİVAC OIL vaccine: healthy sheep and goats are applied for protective purposes against infectious agalaxy disease.


No contraindicated condition has been identified.

Method of Application and Dosage:

It should be injected after being warmed to room temperature and shaken well before use. The vaccine is administered to sheep and goats, including pregnant women, in a dose of 2 ml via IM / SC.

Important notices:

  • It should be done only to healthy animals.
  • During vaccination, the vaccine bottle should be shaken regularly.
  • Each opened bottle of vaccine should be used on the same day.
  • Asepsis and antisepsis rules should be followed in vaccine applications.
  • Cold chain should be followed in vaccine transplantation.

The product should be applied and followed by legal authorities. The manufacturer is not responsible for the consequences resulting from the applications made by people other than the authorities. When an unexpected effect is observed, the closest veterinarian should be consulted.

Side effects:

In very rare cases where anaphylactic reactions are observed in hypersensitive animals, it can be controlled by antiallergic, antiadrenergic and antihistamine preparations.

Disposal Conditions of Vaccines That Should Be Destroyed:

After being kept in autoclave for 30 minutes at 121 ° C, it is thrown into the septic tank. Under field conditions, the vaccine is buried deep in the ground after boiling in a container with enough water.

Legal Purification Time:


Storage Conditions:

It should be stored and transported at + 2 ° C / +8 ° C. It should not be frozen and protected from light.

Packaging shape:

It is packaged in bottles of 20 ml, 50 ml, 100 ml and 200 ml.